DuraCoat University Series Post 3 - Certified Finisher Interview 2

DuraCoat University Series Post 3 - Certified Finisher Interview 2

Jul 21st 2023

In Part 3 of the DuraCoat University series we will be hearing from Kevin Muramatsu of Village Pine Custom Guns in Minnesota. Let's find out what his experience was like.

Read Part 1  here    |     Read Part 2 here

Village Pine Custom Guns in Minnesota

About Kevin's Business:

  1. Do you have a storefront? Do you have a gun shop or firearm related business

    Kevin's Answer:  I do not currently have a storefront.  I do have an FFL, am awaiting receipt of my SOT, and do regular gunsmithing services from my residence.
  1. Do you offer DuraCoat® services as a main business, part of another business, or as a side business?

    Kevin's Answer: DuraCoat and other spray on applications compose the majority of my business.  This is roughly a ¾ time self-employment.

Kevin's Workbench

  1. How much DuraCoat® work do you get on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis?

    Kevin's Answer: Generally, 20-30 handguns painted per month, mixed single color and camo; rifles are much more variable.
  1. Do you advertise your DuraCoat® services in any way? Print ads, signage, website, etc.

    Kevin's Answer: I have a website, bare bones and currently under construction.  I do not advertise, but am present at the larger local gunshows, from which I have gained most of my non OEM customers.
  1. Do you have employees that perform DuraCoat® services? If so, how many?

    Kevin's Answer: I independently contract when necessary.
  1. Do you specialize in solid colors, camo patterns, restorations, hydrographics, or something else?

    Kevin's Answer: No stated specialization, however solid colors comprise the majority of my work.

DuraCoat® Custom Camo Pattern by Kevin

  1. Please tell us anything else pertinent about your current business.

    Kevin's Answer: Most work is OEM.  All I have time for, plus roughly 4-6 solid or camo guns per month off the street.

About DuraCoat® University:

  1. How did you learn about DuraCoat® University (workshop)?

    Kevin's Answer: LCW website.
  1. How many times have you attended a DuraCoat® University class?

    Kevin's Answer: Once
  1. What was the most important lesson learned at class? Anything else you feel was vital information that you learned?

    Kevin's Answer: Use quality equipment.  DuraCoat is a heck of a lot easier to use than the competing products.
  1. Would you be interested in attending another DuraCoat® University class? Is there a specific topic you would like to focus on or learn more about?

    Kevin's Answer: Yes.  Accelerating cure times would be a good topic.
  1. Did you have a firearm related business prior to attending DuraCoat® University?

    Kevin's Answer: No
  1. Had you applied DuraCoat® prior to attending the class? If so, were you offering services?

    Kevin's Answer: Yes.  Nothing offered then.


  1. Did you come alone or did you bring additional attendees with you to the class?

    Kevin's Answer: Alone.
  1. What was your main reason for attending DuraCoat® University?

    Kevin's Answer: Learn proper or recommended application techniques.
  1. How has attending DuraCoat® University benefited your business?

    Kevin's Answer: I don’t have to sell a s**tload of low margin guns to make money.
  1. Do you have any advice for people considering attending DuraCoat® University?

    Kevin's Answer: Other than that it’s a bargain, and worth doing, not really.